Promoting Excellence in Diabetes Care


NADC Membership

The National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC) is the bridge and the linchpin between primary care services and the hospital, and this model is underpinned by the philosophy of shared care.

The NADC is a national collective of Australian Diabetes Centres. Our goal is to ensure that the highest standard of care is delivered to people with diabetes through our member Services.

Membership Categories

The National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC) has six levels of membership, based on the function of the centre and staffing. 

Membership Benefits

BenefitsTertiary Care Diabetes ServiceSecondary Care Diabetes ServicePrimary Care Diabetes ServicePharmacy Diabetes ServiceAlliance Member
Certificate of Membership
Eligibility to apply for NADC accreditation
Eligibility to participate in the annual ADCQR audits
Discounted access to ADATS registration for all your team
Free access to diabetes resources and tools in the ‘member only’ section which includes NADC training packages, video, presentations, webinars and free advertising of positions vacant
Access to the diabetes webinar series for free
Eligibility to participate in the Australian Diabetes Foot Registry (ADFR) data collection program
Participation in the NADC annual meeting at the ADS/ADEA Australasian Diabetes Congress
NADC will act on behalf of the Service in representations to government to support better diabetes care in Australia
Support for quality improvement activities and funding applications
Collaboration and integration with diabetes services across the care spectrum
Staff discounts on registration to NADC events including the Best Practice in Diabetes Centres (BPDC) Symposium and Australian Diabetes Advancements and Technologies Summit (ADATS)

Membership Fees


Many people have asked to become an individual member of the NADC. The aim of the NADC is to improve the ability of diabetes services, to deliver better health outcomes for all people with, or at risk of diabetes and to promote strategies for the management as well as the prevention of complications.

The NADC believes that this aim cannot be fully achieved by an individual health professional and requires the coordination and collaboration of a multidisciplinary team.

The NADC believe that very rarely does an individual work in a silo – but they are connected with other health professionals. For example, a CDE in private practice may use rooms at a GP practice or receive regular referrals from particular GP’s or endocrinologists. We at the NADC want to encourage the individual seeking NADC membership, to involve those who they regularly connect and collaborate with, to join together and sign up for NADC membership together.

This then allows all health professionals (not just an individual) within the service to have access to the many member benefits that NADC has to offer. It also promotes collaboration and networking and can encourage smoother referral pathways and transition for the person with diabetes.

So what are you waiting for? Now is your chance to take the opportunity to promote diabetes care amongst those that you regularly coordinate care with.

We’ve included resources below, that provide you with the information you may need to encourage others to ‘join forces’ with you to become an NADC member service.


Centres of Excellence membership is only available for services that have successfully completed the NADC Centres of Excellence Accreditation program.

NADC Centres of Excellence in diabetes care are services that not only maintain the highest standards of diabetes care in Australia, but also influence and drive quality improvement in diabetes care on a national and international scale.

  • Clinical diabetes care in both acute (inpatient) and outpatient settings
  • Specialised care which may be in the form of clinics and services (e.g. insulin pump clinic, paediatric care)
  • Staffing includes a clinical lead, with the support of an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including but not limited to endocrinologist(s)/diabetologist(s), endorsed diabetes nurse practitioner(s), credentialled diabetes nurse educator(s), accredited practising dietitian(s), podiatrist(s), psychologist(s)/counsellor(s)/social worker(s)and administrative support
  • Education-based programs for people with diabetes
  • Education and training programs for internal and external health professionals
  • Monitoring the outcomes of their services against health outcomes standards e.g. Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) or other audit program.



NADC Tertiary Care Diabetes Service membership

NADC Tertiary Care Diabetes Service membership is offered to specialised diabetes services comprising an interdisciplinary team of health professionals dedicated to the provision of education and clinical services for people with diabetes. The service need not be located at a single geographical location.

A Tertiary Care Diabetes Service is defined as one that demonstrates the following:

  • Clinical diabetes care in both acute (inpatient) and outpatient settings
  • Specialised care which may be in the form of clinics and services (e.g. insulin pump clinic, paediatric care)
  • Staffing includes a clinical lead, with the support of an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including but not limited to endocrinologist(s)/diabetologist(s), endorsed diabetes nurse practitioner(s), credentialled diabetes nurse educator(s), accredited practising dietitian(s), podiatrist(s), psychologist(s)/counsellor(s)/social worker(s)and administrative support
  • Education-based programs for people with diabetes
  • Education and training programs for internal and external health professionals
  • Monitoring the outcomes of their services against health outcomes standards e.g. Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) or other audit program.


Secondary Care Diabetes Service membership

Secondary Care Diabetes Service membership is offered to a service that provides a high standard of diabetes care and education for people with diabetes in an outpatient setting, but without the same level of specialist staffing as a tertiary service. A diabetes service must exist, which is defined as a unit comprising a team of health professionals dedicated to the provision of education and clinical services for people with diabetes. 

The service need not be located at a single geographical location. A high standard of diabetes education must be delivered, but this may be without a full-time endocrinologist/diabetologist, or the same level of multidisciplinary care as tertiary care diabetes services. An evidenced and defined collaboration/relationship with an endocrinologist/diabetologist is to be established, with clinical and referral advice being provided by the specialist as required.

A Secondary Care Diabetes Service is defined as one that demonstrates the following:

  • Clinical diabetes care of patients in an outpatient setting
  • Staffing includes a clinical lead with the support of credentialled diabetes nurse educator(s) and accredited practising dietitian(s)
  • Education-based programs for both people with diabetes and health professionals
  • Monitoring the outcomes of their services against health outcomes standards e.g. Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) or other audit programs.


Primary Care Diabetes Service membership

Primary Care Diabetes Service membership is offered to groups of professional healthcare workers who are actively involved in diabetes care, are committed to the goals and objectives of the NADC and to monitoring the outcomes of their services, but do not have the full complement of services or resources to meet the criteria for a secondary care diabetes service. Members will generally be associated by geographic region, but will not necessarily be located at the same site and may be affiliated with different health services e.g. private practice, hospital, community health.

A Primary Care Diabetes Service is defined as one that demonstrates the following:

  • Clinical diabetes care of patients in an outpatient setting
  • One-on-one consultations with people with diabetes
  • Staffing minimum of a medical practitioner involved in diabetes care (e.g. through participating in consultations, care planning, case conferencing etc.) and a credentialled diabetes educator or registered nurse who has successfully completed the NADC National Diabetes Care Course (or equivalent) or a Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education (or equivalent)
  • A close and supportive relationship with a nominated secondary and/or tertiary service.
  • Monitoring the outcomes of their services against health outcomes standards e.g. Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) or other audit programs.


NADC Pharmacy Diabetes Service membership

NADC Pharmacy Diabetes Service membership is offered to groups of professional healthcare workers who have an active involvement in diabetes care provided in the pharmaceutical context, are committed to the goals and objectives of the NADC, and to monitoring the outcomes of their service, but do not have the full complement of services or resources of a larger diabetes service.

A Pharmacy Diabetes Service is defined as one that demonstrates the following:

  • Clinical diabetes care of patients in an outpatient setting
  • One-on-one consultations with people with diabetes within a consultation space
  • Minimum staffing of a credentialled diabetes educator or registered nurse/pharmacist who has successfully completed the Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education (or equivalent)
  • A close and supportive relationship with a nominated primary, secondary and/or tertiary service
  • Monitoring the outcomes of their services against health outcomes standards e.g. Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) or other audit programs.


The NADC Alliance Membership

The NADC Alliance membership is extended to a broad spectrum of entities, including organisations, associations, industry and government agencies and departments across Australia that demonstrate a keen interest in diabetes care and services. This diverse membership encompasses Primary Health Networks (PHNs) but also various stakeholders working directly or indirectly in the realm of diabetes care and / or collaborate closely health care providers and organisations striving towards enhanced outcomes for individuals affected by diabetes.

Our Alliance Members share our commitment to elevate the standard of diabetes care nationwide and will be identified as key partners in this mission.