Promoting Excellence in Diabetes Care

Centres of Excellence

The NADC Centre of Excellence Standards and Accreditation program has been developed to assess and measure organisations against a robust set of national standards in diabetes care. Successful achievement of these, demonstrate that an organisation operates as Centres of Excellence (COE) in diabetes care.

These standards are underpinned by the principles of chronic disease management.

These include a multidisciplinary approach with an effective system of service delivery, integration and coordination of care between different services and service providers, support for self-management, evidence-based decision making and clinical information systems, with the focus being on proactive maintenance of good health and complication prevention.

Diabetes Centres of Excellence also actively bridge the gap between the acute care hospital system and the care provided by primary care and community services.

The Centres of Excellence application process is all-encompassing and includes an assessment that is in-depth and challenging. Therefore the process should be a team-based application process. Applications for COE’s are only open for a limited period every 2 years.

Meet our Centre of Excellence Awardees


Accreditation as a Centre of Excellence will be awarded for a period of 4 years, after which time, reapplication is required to retain COE status. Organisations applying for Centre of Excellence status need to be accredited under the standard NADC accreditation system prior to their submission. The NADC Accreditation Standards for Centres of Excellence recognise clinical, education, service advocacy, research and policy leadership on a national scale in the provision of diabetes care


Logan Endocrine And Diabetes Service (LEADS)

St. Vincent's Hospital Diabetes Centre, Sydney

Royal Melbourne Hospital Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Perth Children's Hospital

Royal Melbourne Hospital Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology

ACT Health Diabetes Service

ACT Health Diabetes Service

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

2015 Awardees

Canberra Hospital

Monash Health

Royal Prince Alfred

Perth Children's Hospital

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology (Diabetes Service)
  • Early adopter of technology
  • Advocate and supporter for technology for all patients
  • Diabetes Patient Management System holding clinical data of 99% of paediatric diabetes patients in WA and the ability for this repository to engage, benchmark and compare with ADDN and SWEET data networks
  • Consumer engagement initiatives and outreach services from the website to the consumer conversation forums
  • Number of peer review publications
  • CDC website
  • Clinical leadership in Australia and ISPAD – international guidelines and consensus position statements
  • Research and Development
  • Contribution to staff training and stakeholder engagement – comprehensive
  • Staff profiles – both national and international standing
  • Excellent examples of high-quality models of care underpinned by evidence

Royal Melbourne Hospital

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • Established national leader in the areas of diabetes foot care, inpatient services and transition care   
  • International leader in clinical research  
  • Use of Biogrid 
  • QI Plan is extensive 
  • Some of the future plans of the service have been addressed, outlining potential to further improve  
  • The Standards in Action monthly gap analysis is impressive 
  • Robust governance  
  • Foot Clinic 
  • Inpatient Diabetes Management 

St Vincent's Sydney

Diabetes Centre

Clinical strengths:

  • Evidence of extensive complex care and diabetes complications services, including complex foot clinic and eye screening
  • Their outreach programs with Endocrinologist and CDE input is to be commended = Homeless outreach clinic and up-skilling/supporting general practice terms.
  • Rapid assessment; complex clinics’ Diabetes foot clinic; Diabetic retinopathy surveillance clinic, Transplant endocrine clinic, Oncology diabetes clinic, Pharmacist consult clinic
  • Inpatient diabetes management includes a senior nursing positions (CNC). Also, a dedicated nurse leads on each ward to flag and escalate patient care via timely referral to the Diabetes team as required
  • Weekly meetings that are broadly multidisciplinary (includes pharmacy, podiatry)
  • Evidence of lots of regular opportunities for up-skilling of clinical staff hospital-wide e.g. to recognise the deteriorating/acutely unwell person with diabetes i.e. hypoglycaemia/ DKA


  • Evidence of investigator led research with a strong interdisciplinary focus and Consumer input
  • Publications, presentation and evidence of research translation

External services and collaborations:

  • Evidence of solid attempts to bridge the often well recognised divide between tertiary (specialist centre) services and Primary Care. In particular their pathways for high risk foot service

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Diabetes Centre
  • Their model of care remains forward thinking and best practice
  • The ongoing emphasis on research, academic excellence and contributions to the wider diabetes agenda nationally is admirable
  • “Their database is to die for
  • National and international leadership established and maintained over several decades
  • Significant contribution made by the RPA team in the capacity of serving on professional bodies, participation, formulation of national and international policies and guidelines
  • RPA’s High Risk Foot Service is NADC Centre of Excellence
  • The number, the diverse topics and method of delivery for external HCP education activities
  • Involvement in innovation and education and clinical support including diabetes-related apps
  • Extensive involvement in research and peer reviewed publications.
  • Ongoing and continued nurturing of partnership and shared care with primary care
  • Involvement in Sydney Diabetes Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024 plus own service strategic plan.

ACT Health - Canberra Hospital

Diabetes Service
  • Their contribution to diabetes prevention and management in pregnancy
  • Outreach service
  • Participation in professional bodies, committees and working parties
  • Research
  • Strategic investment strategy fir IT needs and a workforce plan
  • The number and variety of QI activities
  • GDM and paediatric data base
  • The team is trying to address the National Diabetes Strategy goals and National Implementation Plan
  • Comprehensive service to people of all ages with diabetes, inclusive of other chronic conditions causing hyperglycaemia e.g. cystic fibrosis clinic
  • GDM services, including related research projects
  • Rapid access clinics
  • High Risk Foot Service
  • “Tuning into Kids” program
  • Outreach indigenous care – for complex case management and to provide up-skilling to healthcare teams

St. Vincent's Hospital - Melbourne

Diabetes Service

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • Investigator driven research

  • Centre of Excellence High Risk Foot Service

  • Diabetes and cancer care is excellent – a difficult area but great leadership shown in this space

  • Diabetes and the Elderly: fantastic initiative

  • Nurse Practitioner Clinic

  • MDM Patient triage

  • MDM for consumers- absolutely fantastic initiative

  • MDM for mental health – incredible!

  • Medical Education of junior medical officers

  • Nurse Practitioner clinical service provision

  • Pharma based Clinical Trial Research

  • Translational research

  • Diabetes Technology based research