Promoting Excellence in Diabetes Care


2025 NADC Ruth & Stephen Colagiuri Model of Diabetes Care Award 

The National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC) invites applications for the 2025 NADC Ruth & Stephen Colagiuri Model of Diabetes Care Award (MoDCA) for an organisation that has established and demonstrated the implementation of a large scale, sustained and impactful diabetes model of care in Australia.   

The Award will be considered by a review committee consisting of the NADC steering committee in consultation with the NADC executive with the option to co-opt additional reviewers as deemed necessary. 

The organisational nominee must be a financial and accredited service of the NADC and have been a member for at least 12 months at the time of their application for this award. 

Two awards will be made available in the following categories 

  • Primary care service 
  • Secondary/Tertiary or Centre of Excellence 


Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Model of Care Excellence: The establishment of a new, or the refinement of an existing, diabetes care model that shows a significant improvement in outcomes for individuals with diabetes. 
  • Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach: Evidence of a comprehensive, integrated multidisciplinary model of diabetes care that ensures cohesive and holistic patient management. 
  • Innovative Resource Utilisation: Creative use of resources and the development of bespoke solutions to address common challenges faced in the provision of diabetes care services. 
  • Evidence-Based Performance: Availability of data and evidence demonstrating that the model of care has undergone rigorous evaluation, showing sustained high performance compared to standard care practices. 
  • Scalability and Replicability: The model should exhibit the ability to be efficiently expanded and replicated 


The NADC Ruth & Stephen Colagiuri Model of Diabetes Care Award will be announced at the Australasian Diabetes Congress meeting gala dinner, Gold Coast, August 21st 2025.

A 20-minute presentation from a representative of the organisation will be scheduled during the NADC symposium at the Australasian Diabetes Congress meeting in Gold Coast on August 2025, and/or Best Practice in Diabetes Centres meeting in 2025. Some costs for attendance to these meetings will be considered as part of the award.

All services applying for this award must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form to provide essential preliminary information and a link to upload your application. Early submission of EOIs is encouraged for a streamlined process.