Promoting Excellence in Diabetes Care



The NADC Standards (4th edition) have been developed for Diabetes Services of all models and sizes in Australia.

One of the great strengths of diabetes care is its diversity.

If your service provides diabetes care, even if it seems to have an unusual or unconventional structure, then these Standards and the Accreditation program are applicable.


Why apply for NADC Accreditation?

The NADC accreditation program offers the opportunity for healthcare entities to assess themselves against the NADC Diabetes Service Standards and benchmark against liked sized organisations. 

The NADC Diabetes Service Standards Accreditation program is the only accreditation of its kind to offer comprehensive diabetes-specific accreditation aimed at the improvement of quality and safety. The accreditation model is focused on a three-pronged approach combining governance, educational and clinical criteria. 

The objective of the NADC accreditation is to assist diabetes services to achieve quality diabetes care through improved governance, service structure, educational and clinical services.

Who can apply for NADC Accreditation?

The NADC Accreditation Standards (4th edition) have been written for Diabetes Services of all models and sizes in Australia. One of the great strengths of diabetes care is its diversity. If your service provides diabetes care, even if it seems to have an unusual or unconventional structure, then these Standards are applicable.

The NADC Standards  and Accreditation also apply to primary healthcare services that are not specifically focused on diabetes care but which nevertheless provide diabetes care to a distinct community (eg. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Diabetes Services, Community Health Services or mobile clinics caring for homeless people).

What are the benefits of being an NADC Accredited Service?

There are wide-ranging benefits to achieving NADC accreditation. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Status & Reputation – NADC certification as a high-quality diabetes service
  • Recognition – as a best practice service meeting stringent quality and safety standards
  • Knowledge-sharing – ability to leverage knowledge from other accredited centres to improve service delivery and care
  • Quality Improvement – be part of a broader goal to improve health services nationwide by mentoring and educating smaller centres
  • Benchmarking – opportunity to compare performance against peer services and to identify opportunities for improvement
  • Business Expansion – opportunity to broaden your centre’s reputation and consumer base
  • Service Improvement – opportunity to utilise the evidence gained from the accreditation process to lobby for increased funding and resourcing in areas where your service can be enhanced in areas where your service can be enhanced


NADC has filled the accreditation gap; providing all diabetes centres the opportunity to participate in quality and safety improvement focused on diabetes care.

The NADC accreditation is the only one of its kind to offer comprehensive diabetes-specific accreditation aimed at the improvement of quality and safety. The accreditation model is focused on a multi-pronged approach combining governance, educational and clinical criteria.

Undertaking NADC accreditation adds enormous value to the service and provides insights into improvements that can be made. Accreditation is awarded for a period of 4 years.


Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Diabetes Centre

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  •  National and international leadership established and maintained over several decades
  • Contribution made by the RPA team in the capacity of serving on professional bodies, participation/formulation of national and international policies and guidelines. 
  • High Risk Foot Service and benchmarking nationally. 
  • The number of diverse topics and methods of delivery for external HCP education activities provided that includes NSW, Australia and overseas. 
  • Involvement in innovation of education and clinical support – diabetes-related apps. 
  • Research and peer reviewed publications.  
  • Ongoing and continued nurturing of partnership and shared care with primary care.  
  • Involvement in Sydney Diabetes Strategic Plan 2019 The model of care remains forward thinking and best practice.
  • The ongoing emphasis on research, academic excellence and contributions to the wider diabetes agenda nationally is admirable.
  • The diabetes database
  • Service strategic plan

St. Vincent's Hospital - Sydney

Diabetes Service

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • Excellent governance
  • Substantial effort in inpatient management
  • Academic excellence

Royal Melbourne Hospital

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • Established national leader in the areas of diabetes foot care, inpatient services and transition care   
  • International leader in clinical research  
  • Use of Biogrid 
  • QI Plan is extensive 
  • Some of the future plans of the service have been addressed, outlining potential to further improve  
  • The Standards in Action monthly gap analysis is impressive 
  • Robust governance  
  • Foot Clinic 
  • Inpatient Diabetes Management 

Canberra Hospital

ACT Health Diabetes Service

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • The contribution to diabetes prevention and management in pregnancy
  • Outreach service
  • Participation in professional bodies, committees and working parties
  • Research
  • The strategic investment strategy for IT needs and a workforce plan
  • The number and variety of QI activities
  • GDM and paediatric database
  • The team is trying to address the National Diabetes Strategy goals and National Implementation Plan
  • Comprehensive service to people of all ages with diabetes, inclusive of other chronic conditions causing hyperglycaemia e.g. cystic fibrosis clinic
  • GDM services, including related research projects
  • Rapid access clinics
  • High Risk Foot Service
  • ‘’Tuning into Kids’’ program
  • ​Outreach indigenous care – for complex case management and to provide upskilling to healthcare teams

Perth Children's Hospital (Princess Margaret Hospital)

Diabetes Service

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • Early adopter of technology in IPT and able to as a team and organisation, embrace the rapid uptake of CGM
  • Advocate and supporter for technology for all patients
  • Diabetes Patient Management System holding clinical data of 99% of paediatric diabetes patients in WA and the ability for this repository to engage, benchmark and compare with ADDN and SWEET data networks
  • Consumer engagement initiatives and outreach services from the website to the consumer conversation forums
  • Number of peer review publications
  • CDC website
  • Clinical leadership in Australia and ISPAD – international guidelines and consensus position statements
  • Research and Development
  • Contribution to staff training and stakeholder engagement – comprehensive
  • Staff profiles – both national and international standing
  • Excellent examples of high-quality models of care underpinned by evidence.

Liverpool Hospital

High Risk Foot Service

Centre of Excellence

Areas of Excellence

  • The Liverpool Hospital High Risk Foot Service provides a comprehensive, holistic care for this high risk patient cohort
  • Research and leadership are key attributes of the service, with contributions to both National and International guidelines and meetings 
  • Strengths include the variety of multidisciplinary clinics available, and the multitude of written resources for patient education 
  • Access pathways and use of the Hospital in the Home services are well utilised resource
  • There is evidence of increased telehealth service provision, a credit to the service and reflect the meeting of current demands given the COVID-19 pandemic  
  • Patients having access to both inpatient and outpatient multidisciplinary amputee clinic and consultations are to be commended
  • Advanced scope of practice for podiatrists in a range of areas assists in timely care of the high risk foot patient group
  • Areas of Excellence include the use of evidence based guidelines, well established data collection system and the services range of resources

Healthy Living NT

Diabetes Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  •  The application is very thorough and well written, with an excellent quality improvement plan clearly aimed at addressing areas for improvement or modification.
  • Tailoring of service model and delivery to meet local needs
  • Excellent development of local diabetes management and nutrition resources for specific communities.
  • Community education and support including urban services to Darwin, Alice Springs and remote services to indigenous communities across the NT.
  • Strong online and social media profile of the service.
  • The connection between diabetes and cardiac rehabilitation services is of credit.

Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute

Diabetes Services

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Very strong application – high level of multidisciplinary service, quality assurance, education of staff, clinical service and education for patients and families. Service to wider community noted as well with development and provision of resources readily available by download.
  • Keeping abreast of technology developments with use by staff and patients.
  • Strong governance structure and organisational map clearly presented.
  • Professional education, Translating research into clinical practice eg AUSrisk tool and Innovative Patient education programs

Brisbane South Complex

Diabetes Service (Inala Primary Health)

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The use of a retinal camera is an excellent initiative.
  • Data sharing with Princess Alexandra Hospital demonstrate collaboration.
  • Taking the time to complete the application is evidence of aiming for excellence in diabetes care.
  • Collaboration for the Diabetes Educator to maintain professional contact with colleagues at PAH journal club and leadership meetings is excellent.
  • Ongoing evaluation and publications on the innovative model of care Beacon Clinics, is a credit to the service.

Goulburn Valley

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Multidisciplinary team – well resourced
  • ANDA audit and using information to improve services
  • On call program to reduce hospital admission
  • A model demonstrating NPs leading the diabetes service
  • Active in health professional education
  • Broad range of services

North West Diabetes Centre

Tasmanian Health Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Range of clinical services
  • Breadth of a multidisciplinary team
  • After hours service
  • Diabetes in pregnancy service
  • Oncology Service
  • Multidisciplinary Diabetes High Risk Foot Service
  • AMOS Clinic – innovative initiative that utilised extensive stakeholder engagement
  • Retrospective audit of obesity prevalence in early pregnancy study

Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital

Diabetes Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Eye service plan looks sound in terms of developing partnerships and processes for referral
  • This centre has some excellent programs and seems to have particular strengths in diabetes in pregnancy and CALD patients

Western Health

Diabetes and Endocrinology Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Very strong and well written application
  • This is an impressive and busy Diabetes Service. Innovative and progressive.
  • The Steering Committee is a great model for others
  • Areas of excellence include the Diabetes in Pregnancy Service, Pump and CGM Service and the Type 1 service
  • Active and busy service with a wide range of service delivery and a strong education focus – patients, staff from wide range of hospital services (general and specialist including ED/surgery/obstetrics) and local GP’s
  • Efforts to liaise with other hospital services commendable given the longer term benefits to improving diabetes service provision to their patients.

Ballarat Health Service

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Providing a comprehensive multidisciplinary service
  • Partnering with Diabetes Victoria for the school education program is a great initiative
  • Teacher education in particular is impressive
  • The extensive and thorough contribution to professional development and upskilling of other healthcare providers across the region looks to be a great service to the community
  • The use of ‘diabetes champions’ is impressive
  • Integrated care partnerships are commended
  • Group sessions on advanced pump use are creditable

Royal Hobart Hospital

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Diabetes fast track clinic
  • Oz DAFNE, and a variety of Type 1 services
  • Impressive presentation of the excellent services provided
  • The additional detail in the comment sections was extremely helpful and illustrated the high level of comprehensive multidisciplinary services available
  • The service appears to be responsive to the needs of its patients and has developed new services/adjusted existing services to try to meet these needs
  • The plans to develop and assess perioperative management pathways are to be commended

Lyell McEwin Hospital

Diabetes Education Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Very sound and strong application.
  • A real focus on the gathering of clinical data, auditing and benchmarking
  • Apparent that a culture of review exists allowing changes to the way clinical care is provided following review of services ie group insulin starts, Multidisciplinary foot service, TV screening of health education in the DEC waiting room and the planned streaming for the foot clinic.
  • Very practical QI initiatives
  • Clearly detailed application with excellent description of services, evidence of multidisciplinary work, and quality improvement projects already underway and/or planned.
  • Service appears very enthusiastic with clear vision for excellent service delivery and team interaction.

Mater Health Queensland

Diabetes & Endocrinology Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The emphasis on services for young people is marvellous, including the Young Adult Transitional Services
  • Lead Centre for OzDAFNE – fantastic!
  • Availability of psychology and psychiatry services on site is excellent
  • High Risk Foot Clinic
  • High profile in providing continuing professional development for health professionals
  • Planned used of BIOGRID for psychosocial assessment in July 2018 will be very beneficial

Perth Diabtes Care

Health Hub

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Perth Diabetes Care offers a comprehensive outpatient service providing multidisciplinary care across a number of locations in Perth 
  • There is a strong focus on providing comprehensive care for people living with diabetes including those using diabetes technologies  
  • The recent inclusion of regular team meetings and appointment of team leaders who will lead Quality Improvement activities demonstrates the organisations growth and commitment to quality diabetes care  
  • Clients using or interested in diabetes technologies are well supported through existing programs provided by the service and this could be further demonstrated through the application of NADC Diabetes Technology Standards and Accreditation   
  • The adaptation and support given to the services clients during the COVID period is commended 
  • Inclusion of psychology appointments for each new patient to the service is applauded 

Princess Alexandra Hospital

Diabetes & Endocrine Department

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Research
  • Innovative models of care such as the BEACON model – partnerships with primary care has set a standard nationally that all diabetes service could aspire to
  • Use of apps
  • Innovative telehealth models
  • Electronic health records
  • Availability and use of big data

Greater Newcastle (GNS Community)

Diabetes Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • GNS Community and Acute Diabetes Service is a comprehensive multidisciplinary service spanning six geographic sites
  • Strong and in-depth service that has a universal patient focus crossing a diverse range of endocrinology pathologies
  • Extensive and robust clinical guidelines supporting evidence-based practice
  • Group education for family and carers demonstrates the focus on patient centre care and support for patients by engaging their home team.
  • Integrated care partnerships are commended, especially the Alliance program, Masterclasses, CGM clinic and CF clinic
  • Extensive and sound collaboration is practised with strong links to coordinated care with external services

John Morris Diabetes Centre

Launceston General Hospital

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The team seems to be enthusiastic and keen to actively assess and improve their work practices and service delivery. A wide range of services is provided and they are clearly striving to provide an excellent service
  • Type 1 diabetes service with CGM and pumps

Fiona Stanley Hospital

Endocrinology Department

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The organisation offers a large number of services including gestational diabetes, and many group programs.
  • Multidisciplinary foot ulcer service- inpatient and outpatient tertiary referral service.
  • Taking the time to complete the application is evidence of aiming for excellence in diabetes care.
  • Research- internationally recognised research and researchers Prof Tim Davis ad Prof Bu Yeap
  • A comprehensive multidisciplinary team for management of multiple aspects of diabetes and its associated physical and psychological complications for adults.
  • Up-skilling of GPs to manage complex type 2 diabetes in the community setting.

Kyabram District Health Service

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Impressive application with clear detail and description of the service and its activities
  • The service appears very proactive as well as reactive in order to meet its goals of high level patient centred care
  • There is a clear priority to empower with the LIFE coaching
  • The service has a lifestyle emphasis including services to people with pre-diabetes
  • With the addition of regular CGMS services, Kyabram District Health Service are meeting the needs of more patients
  • The plans to develop patient resources to meet local language needs is commendable
  • The plan to now add ANDA as an audit tool is pleasing
  • Excellence range of guidelines
  • Very good multidisciplinary integrated services
  • Strong emphasis on quality improvement
  • Strong collaboration
  • Empowerment philosophy

Geelong Endocrinology & Diabetes

Diabetes Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Multidisciplinary team
  • Electronic record keeping
  • Training of administrative staff
  • Broad range of services
  • Use of telehealth is a great service to their consumers, as well as the provision of outreach services
  • Strong focus on teamwork and professional development, as well as offering professional development to some healthcare providers

GP Plus Noarlunga ICS

Diabetes Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The service appears to be operating at an acceptable level for a community centre attached to a hospital. The risk assessment matric is comprehensive and realistic. The plan to participate in ANDA in 2018 is commendable. The QI improvement plan is realistic and will be useful.
  • ICSdiabetes are applying as a Tertiary Care Diabetes Service. They illustrate a holistic multidisciplinary healthcare service for their patients with diabetes, with a role in upskilling other healthcare providers.

Sunshine Coast

Diabetes and Endocrinology Service

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Well-presented report from a high level tertiary centre that clearly strives to provide high level services.
  • A pro-active organisation that is looking for service gaps and identifies areas where quality improvement can be undertaken and the undertakes appropriate service amendments.
  • Very good Quality Improvement Plan
  • Commendable services in perioperative care, pregnancy and foot services.
  • The organisation has an excellent multi-disciplinary team with a wide range of services
  • The organisation is using ANDA to employ a psychologist which adds another layer to the organisation.

Rockingham General Hospital

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • The strongest area would appear to be the co-location with the paediatric service that should facilitate smoother transition.
  • Clinical services that involve technology are of a high standard.
  • Transition service for paediatrics is a strength
  • QI plans for retinal camera will complete the complication assessment service
  • Peroperative guidelines are very important as more and more people with DM are admitted to hospital for procedures

Barwon Health l

Diabetes Centre

Standard Accreditation

Areas of Excellence

  • Well-presented application from a high-level tertiary service
  • Wide-ranging clinical service and multidisciplinary approach
  •  Enhancement plans for improvement of the information provided to the community on the website as well as clinical discharge plans in place
  • The use of technology in patient care was commendable
  • Their service is willing to share your diabetes policies with other services
  • Use of technology in patient care, fitness to drive system, telephone service, clinical research and annual study day.