NDSS Helpline 1800 637 700

The NDSS is administrated by Diabetes Australia

Australian directory for High Risk Foot and Podiatry Services open during COVID-19

In the current health crisis patient access to their usual health professionals for their foot conditions has been significantly disrupted.  FootForward and the Australian Podiatry Association would like to present:

The Australian Directory for High Risk Foot and Podiatry Services open during Covid-19. The map is designed to provide service information to assist health care professionals and consumers to locate their local services currently open and able to assist with foot care. This is of particular importance to people with active foot problems such as foot ulceration, callus or deformed nails, which require regular review to reduce the risk of deterioration.

People with:

  • diabetes-related foot ulcers or
  • active charcot neuropathy are encouraged to remain in close contact with their i-High Risk Foot Services, to ensure care is optimised.  


People with:

  • healed foot ulcers,
  • loss of protective sensation (feeling) or
  • poor circulation (blood supply), or
  • chronic kidney disease,
  • new foot problems maintaining regular contact (video or telephone) and treatment with your podiatry and general practitioner, will help stop re-ulceration.



If your service details are incorrect or need to be updated please email projectofficer@footforward.org.au

If you wish your service to be added to the map, please fill out the online form here

The Australian Directory of High Risk Foot and Podiatry Services can be accessed here


LINK: https://www.footforward.org.au/services-support/


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